The Endurance Series Workbook
Education Standards
A Unit Study That Meets or Exceeds Broad-based Educational Standards
ELA, History-Social Science, and Science for High School with SBAC and NGSS Alignment
This workbook integrate ELA, history-social science, and science standards relevant to high school-level learning objectives.
The questions align with specific Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) standards in both Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA/Literacy), as well as incorporating elements from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which are often integrated into SBAC assessments.
Here are some of the standards the workbook aligns with: This list is not comprehensive but is a broad sample of important standards within the workbook.
English Language Arts (ELA)
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Grades 9-10: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases (L.9-10.4).
Grades 11-12: Same as above but at an advanced level (L.11-12.4).
Literary and Textual Analysis
Literary Analysis: Analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including personification (RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4).
Textual Analysis and Interpretation: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development (RL.9-10.2, RL.11-12.2).Analyze how plot and characters develop and how themes are conveyed (RL.9-10.3, RL.11-12.3).
Textual Evidence and Inference
Reading Informational Texts: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of content and inferences (RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.1).
Analyze how authors unfold an analysis or series of ideas, including the order and connections
(RI.9-10.3, RI.11-12.3).
Literary Texts: Determine the meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings (RL.9-10.4, RL.11-12.4).
Research and Synthesis
Research Projects: Conduct short and sustained research projects to answer questions or solve problems, using multiple sources (W.9-10.7, W.11-12.7).
Informative/Explanatory Texts: Examine and convey complex ideas clearly through effective selection, organization, and analysis (W.9-10.2, W.11-12.2).
Argumentative Writing: Write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence (W.9-10.1, W.11-12.1).
Character Analysis and Motivation
Analyze complex characters’ development, interactions, and contributions to the plot and theme (RL.9-10.3, RL.11-12.3).
History-Social Science
Historical Context and Analysis
Analyze causes and impacts of significant historical events, such as World War I, technological advancements in the 20th century, and significant movements (HSS.10.5, HSS.11.5, HSS.11.7).
Geography and Geographical Skills
Analyze social, economic, and political issues with geographical context (HSS.11.11).Use geographic tools to analyze spatial organization (HSS.10.10).
Historical Research and Inquiry
Understand the role of industrialization, technological advancements, and geographical factors in historical exploration (HSS.11.3, HSS.10.4, HSS.10.10).
Science (NGSS) Integrated with SBAC
Scientific Inquiry and Application
Use mathematical or computational representations to predict planetary motions (HS-ESS1-4).
Environmental Science
Evaluate or refine technological solutions to reduce environmental impacts (HS-ESS3-4).
Engineering and Technology
Analyze global challenges using qualitative and quantitative criteria (HS-ETS1-1).Create solutions to complex problems by breaking them down (HS-ETS1-2).Analyze complex problems by specifying criteria and constraints (HS-ETS1-3).
Earth and Space Science
Plan and conduct investigations on properties of water, climate changes, and carbon cycling (HS-ESS2-1, HS-ESS2-4, HS-ESS2-5, HS-ESS2-6).
Biology and Ecosystems
Develop models for hierarchical systems in organisms, and evaluate interactions in ecosystems (HS-LS1-2, HS-LS2-6, HS-LS2-8).
Physical Science
Use mathematical representations to support claims about physical systems and forces (HS-PS1-4, HS-PS3-4, HS-PS2-4).
Research and Synthesis
Conduct research projects to solve problems or answer questions, synthesizing multiple sources (W.9-10.7, W.11-12.7).
Historical and Cultural Understanding
Analyze how authors transform source material in their works (RL.9-10.9, RL.11-12.9).
Language and Expression
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances
(L.9-10.5, L.11-12.5).
Critical Thinking
Synthesize information from multiple sources to solve problems (RST.9-10.7, RST.11-12.7).
Math & Engineering
Analyze global challenges with qualitative and quantitative criteria (HS-ETS1-1).